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    Trade in 結果共133筆

  • Hsiao Bi-khim vows to focus on serving the nation

    Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s vice-presidential candidate, expressed concern about the dark "vortex" of Taiwanese politics but remains focused on serving the nation without distraction. During a media session, Hsiao acknowledged her role in promoting the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and negotiations for the "Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement." She highlighted bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress and efforts to propose legislative drafts. Hsiao also discussed tackling unanticipated issues such as supply chain resilience and securing vaccines during her time in the U.S. She emphasized the challenges stemming from Taiwan’s unique international status and the unfair treatment of Taiwanese in the global arena. Hsiao sees the resilience of the Taiwanese people as a strength, allowing them to pragmatically seek paths to their goals. She believes her life experiences have fortified her to face challenges with greater strength.
    2023/11/23 16:31
  • Taiwan’s FDI investment in ASEAN countries hits new high

    Taiwan’s foreign investment landscape has undergone a significant shift, with investments in Southeast Asia surpassing those in mainland China for the first time in 30 years. From January to October this year, Taiwan invested US$4.96 billion in Southeast Asia compared to US$2.63 billion in China. The total number of approved foreign investments during the same period decreased by 8.18%, totaling 1,864 investments. The total investment amount was US$8.39 billion, marking a 27.35% decrease compared to the previous year. Jiangsu Province emerged as the main beneficiary of Taiwan’s investments in mainland China this year. The changes in Taiwanese investment behavior can be attributed to shifts in global supply chains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the China-U.S. trade war. Notably, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Foxconn, and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation played a significant role in foreign investment, with TSMC investing US$8 billion in U.S. companies and €3.5 billion in German firms, while Foxconn and Yang Ming Marine each injected US$800 million into Singaporean businesses. This year marks the first time in three decades that investment in Southeast Asia has exceeded that in mainland China.
    2023/11/20 19:22
  • Trump threatens to revoke Biden’s IPEF framework if elected

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump has stated that he would revoke current President Joe Biden’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) if he wins the 2024 presidential election. Trump argues that the IPEF could negatively impact the American manufacturing industry and lead to increased unemployment rates. The U.S. previously withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) due to similar concerns. Negotiations for Biden’s IPEF began in September 2022, with a focus on major southern powers like India and Indonesia, aiming to promote economic cooperation and exclude China. The IPEF includes countries such as Australia, Singapore, Japan, and 10 other Indo-Pacific nations, constituting about 40% of the global GDP. It emphasizes fair and resilient trade, supply chain resilience, and clean energy. Taiwan’s chief trade negotiator expressed the country’s interest in monitoring the IPEF’s development and presenting a proposal for Taiwan’s inclusion at the appropriate time. President Tsai Ing-wen has also expressed Taiwan’s desire to join the IPEF, believing it would create more business opportunities for Taiwanese and U.S. companies.
    2023/11/20 12:11
  • Ministry of Labor to introduce Indian migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor (MOL) plans to introduce Indian migrant workers to address labor shortages. The initiative will adhere to domestic regulations and is not an immediate importation of 100,000 workers. The MOL will negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on labor service cooperation with India to ensure quality workers without disrupting social stability. Several countries have had positive experiences importing Indian labor, and currently, around 2,700 Indian laborers work in Taiwan. Taiwan’s economic and trade relationships with India are strong, making labor cooperation a priority. After signing the MOU, discussions on industrial quotas will occur. The MOL will rigorously assess qualification criteria such as language skills, professional abilities, educational background, and good behavior. The aim is for the introduction of migrant workers to contribute positively to Taiwan’s economic and societal development.
    2023/11/19 16:37
  • Demonstrators flood the streets ahead of Biden-Xi meeting

    The 2023 APEC summit between the U.S. and China in San Francisco highlights tensions in their relationship, particularly regarding Taiwan. Violent clashes between anti-Xi protestors and supporters of the Chinese president marred the day, with protestors outnumbered and overpowered. The summit aimed to address sensitive issues and find common ground, but the situation became increasingly tense. The White House reiterated its support for the one-China policy while expressing hopes for Taiwan’s development and freedom of choice in trade partners.
    2023/11/16 21:46
  • Chinese President calls for US to address ’Taiwan issue’

    Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterates his stance on the "Taiwan issue" to U.S. President Joe Biden during their 2.5-hour conversation at the Filoli Estate in San Francisco. Xi urges the U.S. to take concrete actions demonstrating non-support for Taiwan independence, halt arms supply to Taiwan, and support China’s peaceful reunification. He presents the U.S. with two choices: strengthen unity for global challenges or retain a zero-sum mentality that leads to instability and division. Xi believes conflicts are unmanageable and emphasizes China’s development promotes rejuvenation without exporting ideologies or plans to overthrow the U.S. He warns against suppressing and containing China’s ambitions.
    2023/11/16 15:39
  • Germany seeks to expand relations with Taiwan: Sigmund

    Germany is looking to strengthen its ties with Taiwan in various sectors, including academics and trade, according to Petra Sigmund, the German Director General for Asia and Pacific. Despite not having diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Germany is committed to maintaining and expanding connections with the country. While Germany adheres to the "One China Policy," it does not preclude official interactions with Taiwan, which can extend up to a ministerial level. Germany’s top representatives, such as the president, chancellor, and foreign minister, do not establish contact with Taiwan, but the country intends to utilize other open contact spaces. Sigmund emphasized that Germany will strive to preserve these spaces, even if it disturbs China, as Taiwan holds significant importance to Germany.
    2023/11/14 15:00
  • Taiwan’s APEC agendas on U.S.-China talks, trade, CPTPP

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2023 in San Francisco will be a significant event for Taiwan. The country’s main focuses during the summit include the U.S-China leaders’ talks, the possibility of meetings between U.S. President Joe Biden and TSMC Founder Morris Chang, progress on U.S-Taiwan trade negotiations, and Taiwan’s potential participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). President Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss trade, Taiwan, the U.S.-China tech war, and PLA activities in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan officials are also working towards arranging a meeting between Chang and Biden. While the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade has been signed, the second round of negotiations is not progressing as expected. Taiwan’s Minister Without Portfolio John Deng hopes to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai during the summit to confirm progress. Additionally, Taiwan will likely use the APEC summit as an opportunity to hold bilateral talks with CPTPP members to garner support for its admission to the trade pact.
    2023/11/12 11:45
  • Taiwan, UK sign historic ETP, strengthening diplomatic ties

    Taiwan and the UK have signed a historic Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP), marking the first trade agreement of its kind between Taiwan and a European country. The agreement covers digital trade, investment, renewable energy, and net-zero carbon emissions. Future discussions may include trade facilitation, anti-corruption initiatives, and service industry management. Taiwan is the first country in the Indo-Pacific region to sign an ETP deal with the UK. The agreement is seen as a symbol of enhanced Taiwan-UK relations and could serve as a model for other nations. The deal is particularly significant considering the UK’s entrance into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which may have implications for Taiwan’s prospective membership.
    2023/11/09 09:55
  • New Taipei’s Christmasland to light up skies with sculptures

    New Taipei’s annual Christmasland, opening on November 17, will feature stunning light sculptures and kick off a series of festive activities. Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan expects a record-breaking turnout of 7.7 million visitors this year. A pop concert on December 9 and 10 will further enhance the holiday spirit. The New Taipei Christmas Market, themed the "Santa gift box," will delight attendees with local gourmet foods and tourism factories from December 1 to 3. Additionally, the German Trade Office Taipei will host a Christmas party from December 15 to 17, showcasing an authentic German Christmas village in the downtown area.
    2023/10/30 13:53
  • China’s headhunting of Taiwanese tech talent raises concerns

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs emphasizes the importance of key tech industries to the country’s economy and the need to protect them from corporate espionage. The high-tech sector in Taiwan has attracted attention from mainland China, resulting in the headhunting of Taiwanese tech talent. In response, Taiwan amended its National Security Act to impose stricter penalties for theft of business secrets. Additionally, Taiwan’s industrial production index has declined for 16 months, but there are signs of increased demand in the AI industry chain. Despite uncertainties in consumer behavior and global economic recovery, industry feedback suggests potential growth in future quarters.
    2023/10/24 13:55
  • Mutual gains in U.S.-Taiwan bilateral investment: Amb. Tong

    Amidst rising tensions between the U.S., China, and Taiwan, Ambassador Kurt Tong of The Asia Group highlights the overlooked yet significant mutual benefits of U.S.-Taiwan trade and investment. Tong urges policymakers and the public to focus on economic opportunities that can lead to long-term profitable relationships between the U.S. and Taiwan.
    2023/10/22 17:30
  • Lai Ching-te lauds Taiwan’s textile sector at TITAS 2023

    Vice President Lai Ching-te praises Taiwan’s textile industry for its resilience and innovation in smart manufacturing at the 2023 Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show. The industry shows strong economic contributions, with a focus on functional textiles worn by global athletes, and aims for a future of digital transformation.
    2023/10/17 17:37
  • MND confirms legal hurdle for the Narwhal submarine project

    Taiwan’s Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng comments on South Korea’s ongoing legal investigation into several marine tech firms involved in Taiwan’s navy submarine project. The probe poses questions about trade laws and raises concerns about regional security and potential economic retaliation from China.
    2023/10/17 17:29
  • Taiwan accuses China of using trade as political tool

    China’s decision to extend its trade barrier investigation into Taiwan, which coincides with the upcoming elections, is seen by Taiwan’s Executive Yuan as a politically motivated move to interfere with the elections. The Executive Yuan argues that this action violates World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Taiwan maintains that it has not violated any WTO rules and criticizes China’s investigation process as opaque and discriminatory. The extension of the investigation date is seen as further evidence of China’s political agenda. Both the Executive Yuan and the Mainland Affairs Council call on China to stop politicizing trade issues and adhere to WTO regulations in resolving disputes.
    2023/10/09 21:14
  • Investigation into Taiwan’s trade restrictions extended

    China’s Ministry of Commerce has extended its trade barrier investigation into Taiwan’s trade restrictions towards the mainland. Originally set to conclude on Oct. 12, 2023, the investigation will now end on Jan. 12, 2024, a day before Taiwan’s 2024 general elections. The investigation, authorized under the Foreign Trade Law and the Foreign Trade Barrier Investigation Rules of China, targets 2,455 items blocked by Taiwan from mainland importation, including agricultural products, petrochemicals, and textiles. The extended analysis is expected to heighten tensions between China and Taiwan in the run-up to Taiwan’s crucial elections next year.
    2023/10/09 16:03
  • 蘋果官方舊換新方案來了! 「這2款舊機」換購價不降反升

    iPhone 15系列昨(22)日正式發售,不少蘋果使用者會選擇舊換新方案,來購買最新一代iPhone;而根據官方最新「Trade In」方案顯示,本次可換購的機種,包括iPhone 14系列到iPhone 7系列,最高可折新台幣30900元。另據媒體報導,有2款機型,相較去(2022)年換購價是不減反增。
    2023/09/23 20:14
  • Taiwanese in China face tougher business environment

    Taiwanese seeking opportunities in China face growing challenges, leading some to repatriate while others opt to stay. These challenges stemmed from the U.S.-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and China’s economic downturn.
    2023/09/07 17:22
  • Taiwan projects $50M trade opportunities in Malaysian expo

    The 2023 Taiwan Expo in Malaysia opened its doors on Thursday (Aug. 24) in Kuala Lumpur for a three-day run.
    2023/08/25 13:33
  • Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange kicks off in Kaohsiung

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange, funded by the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the National Development Fund commenced operations in Kaohsiung on Monday (Aug. 7) to advance Taiwan’s carbon credits trade business and to move another step towards Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050.
    2023/08/07 19:59
  • iPhone15將登場 最佳「賣舊機時間」曝 錯過最慘虧65%

    除了iPhone 12外,近代的新系列iPhone幾乎是依循慣例在每年9月發布,但是搶購新機後,舊機何去何從?不少人選擇蘋果(Apple.inc)自家的舊換新方案,或是拿到二手交易市場賣掉。若不想在新機發布後,手上的iPhone二手價大跳水,外國手機回收業者透露最佳的出售時機。
    2023/07/15 17:18
  • 蘋果更新iPhone回收價!6機型縮水 這款二度調漲最保值

    蘋果一直以來都有推出「Apple Trade In換購方案」,讓用戶在購買新品時能以舊有的裝置折抵,因此也被外界視為官方的二手機回收價,而蘋果「舊換新」方案換購新機的價格表經常會進行異動,近日官方公布最新價格,有6款手機的回收價竟「不減反增」,其中iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone SE 3更是二度調漲價格。
    2023/07/01 18:12
  • Ko calls for legal foundation in cross-strait interactions

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je called on Tuesday (June 20) for the resumption of cross-strait exchanges and the reopening of negotiations on the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). 
    2023/06/20 17:31
  • Taiwan’s beer industry resilient facing China’s import ban

    The shelves of Taiwan’s supermarkets are increasingly filled with Chinese-made beers, highlighting a stark disparity in the trade relationship between the beer industry on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. As Taiwanese breweries face repeated bans on selling their products in China, they are now trying to establish alternative business partnerships.
    2023/06/09 18:26
  • Major trends for consumer electronics show IFA 2023 unveiled

    The world’s largest trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin), is set to take place in Berlin, Germany from Sept. 1-5. With travel picking up, this nearly century-old expo expects to draw around 200,000 visitors and has designated Taipei as the premier promotional city in Asia.
    2023/06/01 17:47
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